TAS2R38 Gene

The TAS2R38 gene encodes one type of many tens of different types of bitter taste receptor on the tongue. Different substances are detected by these various types of taste receptors.


People normally have two alleles per gene, one inherited from their mother and one inherited from their father.

Insensitive (Global)

This allele has been widespread globally for tens of thousands of years.
Also known as: Off, AVI.

Semi-sensitive (African)

This allele originates from an ancient African mutation that occurred thousands of years ago.
Also known as: AAI.

Sensitive (Global)

This allele has been widespread globally for tens of thousands of years.
Also known as: On, PAV.

Allele Pairs

It is the combination of a person's pair of gene alleles that influences traits.

Predictable PTC & PROP Have No Taste
Predictable Red Wine Tastes Less Bitter
Predictable Broccoli Tastes Less Bitter
Allele Pair Most people with this allele pair do not taste the chemicals PTC and PROP. Red wine and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli probably taste slightly less bitter to people with these allele pairs.

Predictable PTC & PROP Taste Bitter
Allele Pair Most people with these allele pairs taste the chemicals PTC/PROP as slightly bitter.

Predictable PTC & PROP Taste Very Bitter
Predictable Red Wine More Bitter
Predictable Broccoli Tastes More Bitter
Allele Pair Most people with these allele pairs taste the chemicals PTC/PROP as very bitter. Red wine and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli probably taste slightly more bitter to them. Since wine and vegetables contain many substances, their bitterness may be masked and hard to perceive.

Gene Details

The TAS2R38 gene is located on chromosome 7 and encodes the protein named "Taste receptor type 2 member 38", which influences the reported traits.

Additional References TAS2R38
Genetics Home Reference by the U.S. National Library of Medicine TAS2R38
Wikipedia TAS2R38
SNPedia TAS2R38
UniProt P59533
U.S. National Center for Biotechnology Information 5726

Allele Definitions

[0] [1]
Show Minus Strand
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)
[0] rs10246939 dbSNP SNPedia
[1] rs1726866 dbSNP SNPedia